When Dave teased a new co-host for this I literally said outloud, "I hope it's that Lord of the Rings TikTok guy. He would be a great get." So great get, Dave. Great get.

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Great news! I’m a big fan of the Obscure Lord of Rings Facts Guy. Can’t wait to follow the show with you both

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Looking forward to the series - and while I understand the Silmarillion isn't in the rights, it was a bit of a bummer for Don to be so down on the book. It is great, and has many fans (millions of sales..) - and it isn't much like the bible at all. Such comparisons usually highlight that the person hasn't likely read one or both of those books. Yes it is narrative (just like Fire and Blood isn't a novel..) but the bible is not a consistent style (or authorship) as it is a collection of books (history, poetry and more story like elements - with constantly changing style) - the Silmarillion is largely one style and basically one author (Christopher did the final edit, but JRR did form it up into a book to send to publishers multiple times) - but yes it is narrative, but it isn't nearly as dry as he said. If anyone ever gets the rights to the content in the First Age that will be a truly epic TV series, and only covering 500 years there won't be the time compression that Rings of Power will require (which will completely disconnect it from what Tolkien wrote - but I acknowledge will likely make for better TV having it compressed).

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I agree with BerenTW completely. I was disheartened by Dons deprecating comments about The Silmarilion.

I recognize it’s not for everyone, perhaps particularly those who treasure the style and pacing of the films over the LotR novels, but I feel Don grossly mischaracterized The Silmarilion. To me, it’s an epic on the scale of LotR, with more plot, intrigue, a wider scale, and equally heroic, tragic, romantic, imaginative, terrifying, and uplifting.

Yes, it’s more complicated than LotR, yes there’s less dialogue, and no there aren’t any hobbits.

But to dismiss it - as Don did — as a ponderous and dry compendium of “what some king said 500 years ago” (or whatever Don seems to think) is pretty far off base in my view.

I’ll check out Don’s TikToks but my initial impression is that he isn’t bringing the same kind of broad appreciation of the universe that I’ve come to expect from the other Decoding podcast expert hosts

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Is this new host replacing Siddhant or are the reviews of the two shows running concurrently with a different co-host for each?

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The latter!

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