David, so glad you and Patrick are finally getting together for more than a one shot. I’m totally on the same page with Star Wars and the trajectory it has been on post The Last Jedi. I am really looking forward to your and Patrick discussion for this show, having this actually makes me more excited to watch Andor.
I’m really loving all the co-hosts you’ve arranged for Decoding TV, and happy for you and this endeavor.
I am SO GLAD that I decided to give my (very little) extra income to be a paid subscriber to your page DURING THIS INCREDIBLE TIME OF WELL-DONE HIGH FANTASY/SCI-FI!!!
I was blown away by how well-done this show is!!
TBH, I did NOT HAVE high expectations going into ANDOR because I feel like SW has not always used its infamy and money to put out the quality of show with the cinematography and world-building. Plus, Rogue One is my husband and my favorite SW cinematic work since watching the magical original trilogy as children.
This is finally the ADULT STAR WARS that we’ve been needing! In showing all of the details of every day life in the galaxy far far away... without Jedi or light sabers or hundreds of extras dressed up like aliens... we were transported to that galaxy and we are finally seeing many of the tonal and thematic elements similar to what HOTD is doing (when it can... and I think it’s setting itself up to be able to do more of this once the factions start to become more apparent and we see how the dance affects the small folk).
So anyway, I just want to say that I listen to about 10 HOTD podcasts and the bonus content plus the ability to easily interact with/give feedback? It’s just... *chef’s kiss* !!!
The rest of society has kind of shit the bed since about 2015 and, (like the small folk in SW and HOTD) we are all the small folk that get affected so deeply by decisions made by our own version of kings or empires. I’m not gonna get overtly political here and I’m not here to start a political debate-- my point is just that shows like ANDOR and HOTD are HIGH ART that allows us to escape into a world that allows us to feel similar feelings as the characters.
Transporting my brain to Westeros or a galaxy far far away, and having like-minded cool needs to analyze every detail allows me to have something beautiful in my life. I don’t drink and I don’t smoke (cigarettes). I don’t break the law and I try to be a good person. But the day-to-day parenting of daughters and trying to do my part in my community to make the world a better place and survive financially is hard shit.
Great entertainment gives us a way to feel more connected with society as a whole in ADDITION TO the adventure of the escape it provides. Great entertainment also gives us different frameworks to see more clearly how we fit into the large scheme of things, and now that prestige sci-fi & fantasy television is finally depicting a more realistic portrayal of the grey morality that is the human condition?? Well, my friends... I have just always believed that great art is the only thing that is strong enough to change peoples’ hearts and minds.
(And even if it does not... being a part of the communities which value this art as much as I do and want to spend their time breaking it down and analyzing it is how I want to spend my non-working/non-momming hours. You guys (as well as House of R or any pod that has Mallory or Joanna on it) make the world a brighter place!!
So... keep calm and may the force be with you as I wish you good fortune in the wars to come 😏🫶🏽
Had to pause the episode to stop and write this. Very disappointed that Patrick did not pick up on the "hey that's name of the show we're going to cover." It's going to be a long walk uphill back into the lord's good graces now.
I also suffer from Star Wars fatigue and the trailer for Andor didn't do much to alleviate that. Rebels vs. the Empire one more time... Sigh. Returning to the same story again and again makes this universe feel so confined.
But Dave's reaction gave me... a new hope. And I can't wait to listen to the recaps - DecodingTV is just the best.
I am as excited for the podcast as I am for the show, and the show may be my most anticipated thing of this year. Thanks for doing this, Dave and Patrick!
I have to say that I have enjoyed so many of your podcasts over many years and am really loving your transition to Decoding TV. I loved the most recent Westworld recaps and you and Don Marshall’s LOTR TROP cast is the only one I listen to and I look forward to it as much as the show itself. That said when my wife and I tuned in to listen to this kickoff podcast I barely made it in 20 min and was so turned off I had to quit. That your co-host approaches the entire endeavor with a “I’m deigning to come back to Star Wars commentary” attitude and then explaining that there is more Star Wars that he doesn’t like than what he does like, does not make me excited to hear what he has to say. You seemed to jump on that bandwagon as well which really begs the question why are you even doing this particular show? Toxic fandom in Star Wars is a big problem and this kickoff did not sway me to think you will be different. Thanks for allowing the feedback and cheers to Decoding TV.
I like Patrick but I’m really sick of hearing about how the vader scene is just a video game cut scene or is just red meat for fanboys or whatever. What makes it great is it’s not even about vader, it’s about the sacrifice of the soldiers. Don’t it take from me, Vycevyctus has been saying it for years https://twitter.com/vycevictus/status/1332120645497466881?s=46&t=cO7OHSdaXyOcnf-BvQcfjg
Would you recommend rewatching Rogue One before Andor? I know you have only seen the first three, but trying to decide. I haven't seen it since the bluray first came out (which made for 2 watches).
I don't think it's necessary. That said, multiple characters that will be in Andor first show up in Rogue One, so it MAY be better to know them first? I will know more once i've seen all of Andor.
David, so glad you and Patrick are finally getting together for more than a one shot. I’m totally on the same page with Star Wars and the trajectory it has been on post The Last Jedi. I am really looking forward to your and Patrick discussion for this show, having this actually makes me more excited to watch Andor.
I’m really loving all the co-hosts you’ve arranged for Decoding TV, and happy for you and this endeavor.
I am SO GLAD that I decided to give my (very little) extra income to be a paid subscriber to your page DURING THIS INCREDIBLE TIME OF WELL-DONE HIGH FANTASY/SCI-FI!!!
I was blown away by how well-done this show is!!
TBH, I did NOT HAVE high expectations going into ANDOR because I feel like SW has not always used its infamy and money to put out the quality of show with the cinematography and world-building. Plus, Rogue One is my husband and my favorite SW cinematic work since watching the magical original trilogy as children.
This is finally the ADULT STAR WARS that we’ve been needing! In showing all of the details of every day life in the galaxy far far away... without Jedi or light sabers or hundreds of extras dressed up like aliens... we were transported to that galaxy and we are finally seeing many of the tonal and thematic elements similar to what HOTD is doing (when it can... and I think it’s setting itself up to be able to do more of this once the factions start to become more apparent and we see how the dance affects the small folk).
So anyway, I just want to say that I listen to about 10 HOTD podcasts and the bonus content plus the ability to easily interact with/give feedback? It’s just... *chef’s kiss* !!!
The rest of society has kind of shit the bed since about 2015 and, (like the small folk in SW and HOTD) we are all the small folk that get affected so deeply by decisions made by our own version of kings or empires. I’m not gonna get overtly political here and I’m not here to start a political debate-- my point is just that shows like ANDOR and HOTD are HIGH ART that allows us to escape into a world that allows us to feel similar feelings as the characters.
Transporting my brain to Westeros or a galaxy far far away, and having like-minded cool needs to analyze every detail allows me to have something beautiful in my life. I don’t drink and I don’t smoke (cigarettes). I don’t break the law and I try to be a good person. But the day-to-day parenting of daughters and trying to do my part in my community to make the world a better place and survive financially is hard shit.
Great entertainment gives us a way to feel more connected with society as a whole in ADDITION TO the adventure of the escape it provides. Great entertainment also gives us different frameworks to see more clearly how we fit into the large scheme of things, and now that prestige sci-fi & fantasy television is finally depicting a more realistic portrayal of the grey morality that is the human condition?? Well, my friends... I have just always believed that great art is the only thing that is strong enough to change peoples’ hearts and minds.
(And even if it does not... being a part of the communities which value this art as much as I do and want to spend their time breaking it down and analyzing it is how I want to spend my non-working/non-momming hours. You guys (as well as House of R or any pod that has Mallory or Joanna on it) make the world a brighter place!!
So... keep calm and may the force be with you as I wish you good fortune in the wars to come 😏🫶🏽
Had to pause the episode to stop and write this. Very disappointed that Patrick did not pick up on the "hey that's name of the show we're going to cover." It's going to be a long walk uphill back into the lord's good graces now.
Patrick Willems!! Great choice.
I also suffer from Star Wars fatigue and the trailer for Andor didn't do much to alleviate that. Rebels vs. the Empire one more time... Sigh. Returning to the same story again and again makes this universe feel so confined.
But Dave's reaction gave me... a new hope. And I can't wait to listen to the recaps - DecodingTV is just the best.
I am as excited for the podcast as I am for the show, and the show may be my most anticipated thing of this year. Thanks for doing this, Dave and Patrick!
Very excited for your recaps on this with the always insightful Patrick H Willems!
OMG OMG I’m so excited Patrick is your new co-host!!!
I have to say that I have enjoyed so many of your podcasts over many years and am really loving your transition to Decoding TV. I loved the most recent Westworld recaps and you and Don Marshall’s LOTR TROP cast is the only one I listen to and I look forward to it as much as the show itself. That said when my wife and I tuned in to listen to this kickoff podcast I barely made it in 20 min and was so turned off I had to quit. That your co-host approaches the entire endeavor with a “I’m deigning to come back to Star Wars commentary” attitude and then explaining that there is more Star Wars that he doesn’t like than what he does like, does not make me excited to hear what he has to say. You seemed to jump on that bandwagon as well which really begs the question why are you even doing this particular show? Toxic fandom in Star Wars is a big problem and this kickoff did not sway me to think you will be different. Thanks for allowing the feedback and cheers to Decoding TV.
I like Patrick but I’m really sick of hearing about how the vader scene is just a video game cut scene or is just red meat for fanboys or whatever. What makes it great is it’s not even about vader, it’s about the sacrifice of the soldiers. Don’t it take from me, Vycevyctus has been saying it for years https://twitter.com/vycevictus/status/1332120645497466881?s=46&t=cO7OHSdaXyOcnf-BvQcfjg
Would you recommend rewatching Rogue One before Andor? I know you have only seen the first three, but trying to decide. I haven't seen it since the bluray first came out (which made for 2 watches).
I don't think it's necessary. That said, multiple characters that will be in Andor first show up in Rogue One, so it MAY be better to know them first? I will know more once i've seen all of Andor.
Cool thanks Dave - maybe I will rewatch it after the first three while I await the others :)